Artist Living In an Extraterrestrial Nation

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Discover the World of Artist Afronite Stoic

Discover the captivating world of Afronite Stoic, an artist whose journey from the vibrant streets of Accra, Ghana, to the global art scene has been nothing short of extraordinary. Influenced by the rich tapestry of street culture that pulsates through the veins of his hometown, Afronite's art is a celebration of beauty, color, and vibrancy. Yet, it's his keen sense of humor, a trait deeply ingrained in Ghanaian culture, that adds an intriguing twist to his creations. With a penchant for satire, Afronite fearlessly explores social commentary, infusing his works with wit and irony that both entertain and provoke thought. Each piece is a testament to his mastery of his craft, showcasing not only his technical skill but also his ability to capture the essence of life in Accra and beyond. Afronite Stoic is more than just an artist; he is a storyteller, a visionary, and a masterful creator whose work leaves an indelible mark on all who encounter it.

Q: How did you became inspired to create art?

Before my brother gave up to corporate life, he was really good at art. At the age of 5 or so, I was inpired to draw just like him.

Q: Where are you from and how do you think this affects your artwork?

I am from Accra Ghana and growing street culture here has a lot of influence on art. From Music, dance to fashion, they all really inspire me a lot. Ghanaians also have a high sense of humor and it also push me to create satirical works sometimes.

Q: How do you stay connected and up to date with the art world?

Social media and art friends are main ways that I keep myself updated with the art world.

Q: How have other artist or art genres influenced your sense of aesthetics?

As I have mentioned earlier, I really love fashion. Streetwear Designers, stylers and fashion freaks inspire me a lot. I think ancient Egyptian art has also influence my work a lot. I really love their style.

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Q: Describe how you think your art is making a difference to society

My goal is to make more people do art without the judgement of others. When I started, I always used to get "why is your work so sketchy? why is it flat? " and a lot more just because it is against what they think is right. I still get those comments tho lol. To me, there's no wrong or right in art. Art is freedom.

Q: What message do you want to convey in your artistry?

Beauty, color, vibrancy and humor is what I Communicate in my art

Q: What are you doing to ensure you continue to grow and develop opportunities as an artist?

I'm always discoverying my self and and I don't cage myself to anything in the name of brand. I will so what my instincts tell me.

Q: Is there anything you’d like to add for those persuing art?

The world is full of restrictions and rules without even a seconds of break. The only people who go on break is artists. Be an artist my friend

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