Cloudy Nueve

I recently reached out to a young talented SoundCloud artist Cloudy Nueve, out from Raleigh, NC. I got to ask him a few questions regarding his music and what inspires him. Read more about Cloudy below.

R.I.P Cloudy Nueve

R.I.P Cloudy Nueve

Q: What is the story with paranoia? 

A: Actually when I wrote that, I was actually in jail and wrote about all my ex’s because I’m pretty sure they were out sabotaging me together… lmao

Q: What do you like to do when you aren’t working on music?

A: Well sometimes I just get lit and go out. But sometimes I just stay home and relax, you know just stay out of the way.

Q: What got you interested in music? Was it a person? Was it a song?

 A: My boy Suge that passed away, was one of the greatest freestylers I knew. He was the one that really inspired me and got me into music.


Q: What is one long term goal that you have set for yourself?

A: To be successful enough to make sure me & my loved ones are provided for in life.

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Q: If you could go on tour anywhere in the world where would you go and why?

A: Japan and because I love the Japanese culture and would like to see more of it.

Q: What was the decision of picking the genre of music you now work in?

A: There was no real process it all just depend on what mood I’m in.

Q: What is something you wish you could tell your younger self?

A: I would tell my younger self to that there’s always a wat and make no excuses.

Q: What do you like the most about what you do?

A: I enjoy the freedom of being able to do what I want and say what I want. I also enjoy the way I can impact people around me and fans.

Q: Who is your biggest inspiration outside of the industry and why?

My boys that has the bag and my boys that don’t... lol I am in between both so that alone shows me what I want and don’t want in life.

Q: Where can the public access your music?

A: Apple Music, Spotify, Soundcloud… My music is pretty much available on every platform. I would also say follow me on IG (@cloudxnueve) to keep up with my releases.

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Toronto’s very own Natosh Renee