Massachusetts Rapper D Beez


Q: For people who do not know who you are and what you do what is a brief description of yourself?

A: I am D Beez from Keegan in Roxbury MA. I think I like music

Q: What streaming service do you like to utilize the most? Why?

A: I use Apple Music the most honestly. I always target Apple.

Q: What is the story behind your song Love Story?

A: I tend to always give the most authentic story of my life situation and make it as relatable as possible.

Q: What is one piece of advice you follow through your daily life?

A: Always have patience. Patience is key to success . Do not rush the process. 

Q: Where is your favorite place that you have traveled to so far?

A: I love LA hands down. But NYC is always big for me too. I love big cities. LA is me tho.

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Q: In terms of videos, do you stick to the lyrics of the song or more so the vibe that the song holds?

A: I focus on the vibe for sure . Lyrics do not mean much if you can not make them come to life 

Q: What do you like most about freestyling?

A: I like the creativity. You can be so loose when you freestyle and it is a lot more fun than actually writing sometimes. 

Q: If you could work with anybody in any industry, company or person, who would it be and why?

A: Definitely P.Diddy, he has been my idol since I was a kid . I just dig his swagger, his business, and his  savvy persona . It is inspirational. 


Q: What is something you would like to accomplish in the near future?

A: The focus is a Grammy plain and simple. I have my eyes on the prize for sure.

Q: If you could tell your younger self anything what would it be?

A: Stay focused. The younger Beez wasn’t always focused but he had so much locked potential.

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M.O.R a.k.a Mistress of Rap


Artwork by: Pauly Steez