
Q: What made you want to make music part of your career path and not something that you just listen to?

A: I enjoy the feeling I get when I create. There is nothing like it. I think it will be really fulfilling when I can create, be entrepreneurial and influential enough to remove all limits.

Q: How old were you when you recorded your first song?

A: I think I was 18. I was more focused on playing keys and making beats than recording songs.

Q: When and how did you learn how to play piano? What about the guitar?

A: I started teaching myself in tenth grade. I would not call myself a proficient guitar player just yet, but I pick it up once in a while to work out an idea and/or get new inspiration. 

Q: What genre of music would you like to affiliate with yourself the most? 

A: R&B/Soul for sure. I consider myself to be versatile, but R&B feels like home. 

Q: What song, that you made, do you like the most?

A: Depends on the day... Sometimes I hate them all lol I really like “Wasted”, because it kind of flowed out of me as a very accurate expression of how I felt at the time.

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Q: Who is your favorite artist of all time? Why?

A: I can not choose! But a few I am inspired by are Ryan Leslie, Dawn Richard, & James Fauntleroy.

Q: Pick one: Piano or Guitar? 

A: Piano 

Q: What is the most important thing to you?

A: Authenticity.

Q: What do you like doing during your free time? 

A: I like shooting guns, reading books (self-development & business mostly), and playing Call of Duty to name a few things. 

Q: What are three goals you set for yourself?

A: The first one that comes to mind sounds kinda shallow, but to win a bunch of Grammys lol. For me it is less about the award, and more about a symbol of having executed my craft at the highest level. Secondly, that is more long term, is to score the music for a major motion picture. That has become my main motivation for completing my music composition degree. A third goal is to become proficient playing guitar. It is a challenge, but I am up for it.

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