Dance Is Life: s0phamish

Q: How old were you when you started to dance?

A: I started dancing at the age of 11, so t’s been a long time.

Q:What is your main goal in life?

A: My main goal in life is to continuously progress and evolve in every aspect possible.

Q: What has been your favorite dance challenge so far?

A: My favorite dance challenge that I have participated in is Chris Brown’s Undecided Challenge.

Q:Would you ever want to go on tour and be a dancer for an artist? If so who would it be?

A: If I could go on tour with any artist, it would be Chris Brown.

Q: Who is your favorite professional dancer?

A: Currently, I do not have a favorite professional dancer. My favorite dancers would be my personal friends that dance due to the fact that I dance with them and learn from them on a consistent basis such as Damian Gordon (@damenrgz), Joshie G (@JoshieG.Falcon), & Jordan Castillo (@jstill2490)

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Q: If you did not have dance in your life what do you think you would be doing instead?

A: If I did not have dance in my life, I honestly believe I would be a whole different person. I honestly couldn’t fully answer that. Honestly, I’d just be focused solely on a career and lack creativity.

Q: How has your mindset changed since you first started doing this to present time?

A: My mindset changed immensely over the years. I have learned how creative I can be, how much better of a human being in life, how to truly think beyond the reality we live in on a day to day basis. Dancing has not only brought joy and happiness, but it all transitions to help evolve my character, my love for life, & building relationships.

Q: Where do you like to dance the most?

A: I love to dance freely in my environment at any given moment whether it is in the streets or on stage.

Q: How often do you like to post videos?

A: I post videos nearly everyday or every other day.

Q:Where is somewhere you would like to travel to for work?

A: I would love to travel to Japan or Australia.

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